
RC Superintendent Tidbits
By: Mark Otten

Rock County Public Schools’ budget is taking shape. The 2020-2021 school year saw us break
even in our general fund, which is our goal. However, we have not been able to make up for
the previous years of deficit spending so our cash reserve is no better off than we were prior to
last year. The school board will be looking to help that cash reserve just a bit without adding
too much burden to any one tax payer.
The school board has also decided to move forward with the windows and doors project which
will be mostly paid for out of ESSER III money. The current windows and the three doors that
need replaced are in pretty bad shape and the ESSER III dollars will cover a majority of the
expense. This will allow us to keep the building fund levy at the rate it is currently at with no
increase to our tax payers while completing a project that is greatly needed for the district.
We are not planning to take on any other new expenses out of the general fund at this time.
We have a good variety of course offerings with quality equipment for our students to learn on.
As always, we are looking for creative solutions to offer more without spending more.