Superintendent Tidbits

RC Superintendent Tidbits

By:  Mark Otten

As the Nebraska Department of Education talks about “Unfinished Learning”, Rock County Public Schools are trying to stay ahead of the game.  Rock County has two and a half positions that are dedicated to helping our top students in the grade school get challenged while also providing the help and support that all of our students need in their daily lives.  These positions are dedicated to helping students in reading and math but the ladies who fill these positions are willing to help out any way they can with any student who needs it.  Our overall test scores this year have looked pretty good considering the loss of in-person instruction from the fourth quarter of the 2019-2020 school year and the interruptions in learning this year due to quarantine and isolation orders.  Our hope is that these positions will help bridge the gap for the “Unfinished Learning” that NDE is referencing and we will not see the same dip in achievement that is being seen across the nation.

The vaccine is becoming more of a reality for the people of Rock County and along with it comes the decision every person has to make for themselves in regards to getting the vaccine.  I have no opinion either way as to whether someone should or should not get the vaccine, and really, who would care if I did?  However, I do believe this is how it should be.  I do not believe anyone should be shamed into getting the vaccine and likewise, they should not be shamed into not getting it.  Every person in Rock County needs to look at their situation and make the best decision they can make for themselves and their family.  One of the great freedoms we still have is the freedom to make this choice for ourselves.  If we are shaming others one way or the other, we are saying individuals should not have the right to make this choice on their own.  It is time to be supportive of others and their decisions and work to get things back to normal for everyone.

The Rock County Speech team has been working to get ready for NVC speech and districts which are coming up soon.  Sailor Jewett, Carson Shaw, Hannah Keller, and Kyra Anthony have been working hard on perfecting their speeches in their respective categories and they are ready to compete at NVC and districts.  If you see them, wish them good luck for the remainder of the season.