Superintendent Tidbits

RC Superintendent Tidbits

By:  Mark Otten

We are about one month away from some of the best walleye fishing of the season and I am excited for that time of year.  When the walleye are the most active, we as a school district have a lot going on.  Graduation, track meets, golf meets, quiz bowl, state testing, scheduling for the next school year, staffing, and budgeting are all happening at this same time of year.  It is all of these events that make the walleye bite all that more important to me.  When I make time to hit the water, I can lose cell phone service and take some of those heavy items off my mind for just a few hours to recharge.  

I challenge anyone who reads this article to do the same this spring.  Find that activity that takes you away from the daily challenges and lets you simply enjoy life for a bit.  If you have never tried it, I would recommend Whetstone Bay anytime in May for walleye fishing.  If you happen to do it well, you get the added bonus of fresh walleye for supper that night and if you do it really well, I am certain you will not have trouble finding some friends to help you eat it.  Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, make some time to get out and do it this spring.